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University elections

The university law NRW determines that students can administer themselves and take decisions in diverse issues of the university. For this the committees of student self-administrations and the student members of the university committees are elected every year in December. 


Why are the elections so important?

Within the framework of the university elections the student representatives of the student council Neuroscience are elected as well, which gives the student council an official quorum. That is in plain English: Without the officially elected student representatives the student council can neither put official matters into practice nor get fundings. Thus, the representation of interests of the students of Neuroscience would not exist anymore. 

All the committees that can be elected arrange the organisation of the university, the faculties and the study courses, which has an impact on your life at the university. A more detailled description of the tasks and the areas of activity is listed below. 

Die nächste Hochschulwahl findet in der Woche vom 04. bis 08. Dezember 2023 statt. Die Wahl des Fachschaftsrats Neurowissenschaften ist wichtig, damit die Fachschaft ihre Arbeiten ausführen kann. Ihr solltet also im genannten Zeitraum zumindest dafür abstimmen. Solltet ihr euch bei den anderen Gremien nicht sicher sein, könnt ihr diese Stimmzettel leer lassen oder euch enthalten. Die Stimme für den Fachschaftsrat Neurowissenschaften wird trotzdem gezählt!

What is elected?

Where can be voted?

An overview of locations of the ballot boxes and their opening time

Wie wird gewählt?

In diesem Video erfahrt ihr, wie die Hochschulwahlen funktionieren