The Study Program...
...was established in the winter semester 2003 (Bachelor) and 2004 (Master) at the University of Cologne. As with most other degree programs, the Bachelor lasts 6 semesters and the Master 4 semesters (at least according to the regular schedule...).
Both programs are modularized, which means that lectures, tutorials and seminars, which thematically belong together, are taught and examined as one unit. The modularization of the courses increases mobility within and outside Germany. In addition, the courses are characterized by a very high proportion of practical phases, which provide an insight into realistic research environments. In this way, students learn at an early stage about the interlinking of scientific fundamentals and their clinical application possibilities.
The bachelor's degree is designed to provide a first professional qualification. The Master's degree qualifies students for positions in undergraduate teaching, in research areas of the pharmaceutical industry or academic institutions and institutes, in scientific publishing as well as in coordinative activities of neuroscientific organizations. Furthermore, it qualifies the student to take up doctoral studies in the natural sciences.