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AM-13(a) - Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases


AM-15(a) - Quantitative Microscopy

This course is held in blocks during the lecture period and lasts two weeks. In principle, you are almost exclusively in the laboratory and perform experiments. In between, however, lectures will be held to provide you with the corresponding theoretical knowledge. A schedule for this will usually be provided at the beginning of the course. After carrying out the experiments, you will also evaluate them. As an exam you have to prepare and present a scientific poster. This poster deals with a (partial) experiment that you have carried out during the course. Which experiment you present and how you prepare a poster will be explained to you during the course.

AM-15(b) - Basic Research Techniques applied in Metabolic Neuroscience

The course meets weekly (usually on Monday mornings). The module consists of three parts: the first section is a series of lectures on some neurobiological methods that have application in research of metabolic neuroscience. The second part is a journal club in which you present a relatively large paper with other students. However, this part is ungraded.

The last part is the module exam. Creativity is required here: You have to develop your own small research project based on the methods discussed and then present this project to the lecturers of the module. First you have to read the literature to come up with your own research question and then you have to work out the exact procedure of the research project (how experiments will be conducted, which transgenic animals will be used, etc.). Although you are completely free to choose your research area, the lecturers offer a lot of support and are very helpful, so you are never left alone.

AM-15(c) - Seminar: Neurobiology - Genes, Circuits, Behavior

The seminar is a journal club where once a week a scientific issue or paper is presented by students in the presence of faculty. All students give two presentations, one ungraded, usually presenting a review, and one graded, presenting a study.

AM-16(a) - Lecture: Neurobiology - Genes, Circuits, Behavior

The lecture series "Neurobiology" is a series of lectures (approx. 50), on the basics of different neurobiological fields. The only examination in this module is a written examination in which the knowledge from all lectures is tested.

AM-16(b) - Neurosurgical Aspects in Neuroscientific Systems